Signs of a Tooth Infection: Body and Brain

Signs of a Tooth Infection Spreading Throughout the Body and Brain

Signs of a Tooth Infection: Body and Brain

Signs of a Tooth Infection Spreading Throughout the Body and Brain

Some ailments may appear minor but can create havoc throughout the body. Tooth infection is one such ailment that comes across as a minor inconvenience, but if not treated on time, can spread infection in the overall body. Through this blog, we aim to help you understand what exactly a tooth infection is, how to spot the early signs, and how it can spread throughout the body.

Understanding Tooth Infection

A tooth infection or dental abscess occurs when pus and bacteria form inside the dental pulp—the innermost part of the tooth that has nerves and blood vessels. Dental abscess generally happens due to gum disease, untreated cavities, or cracks.

Early Signs (Red Flags)

We often overlook the early signs of tooth pain thinking it’s just a matter of a few days; and that’s where we go wrong. Early signs are the major red flags that indicate us to take quick actions, this includes:

  • Severe tooth pain: Throbbing toothache that persists while lying down or chewing.
  • Swelling: Visible swelling on gums, face, or jaw.
  • Sensitivity: Experiencing super sensitivity towards hot or cold food items.
  • Bad breath: Bad breath that doesn’t go away even after brushing; some may also experience a foul taste in the mouth.
  • Fever: Slightly mild fever. This happens because the body tries to fight the infection.

Signs that Indicate the Spread of Infection (Body)

When tooth infection is left untreated for a long time, it spreads to the nearby tissues and organs, resulting in severe symptoms. These include:

  • Swelling on the face: Severe infection spreads beyond the gums and jaw, and slowly it starts affecting the cheeks, neck, and eyes.
  • Swallowing or breathing becomes difficult: Swelling does more damage than you can think. Since the teeth, nose, and throat are situated in proximity to each other, the swelling inside the mouth spreads and obstructs the airway, causing difficulty in breathing.
  • Redness and warmth: The infection can also cause redness and you may feel the affected area to be a little sensitive, warm, and tender to the touch.
  • Fatigue and Uneasiness: When your body spends its entire energy fighting against the infection, the body then naturally feels drained out. The feeling of uneasiness, fatigue, and weakness persists.

Signs that Indicate the Spread of Infection (Brain)

A rare condition though, but this happens when an abscess (collection of pus in tissues or organs) travels through the bloodstream and reaches the brain, resulting in severe symptoms like:

  • Severe headache: Intense pain that persists for a long time; such headaches do not stop even after taking painkillers.
  • High fever: A viral fever is easy to spot, but a sudden high fever accompanied by chills and sweating is a major sign of a brain abscess.
  • Stiffness in the neck: The neck feels tight and stiff, making it difficult to move the head.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Experience of nausea and frequent vomiting.
  • Difficulty in concentrating: Confusion, finding it hard to concentrate, or changes in behavior.
  • Sensitivity to light: Discomfort or pain when exposed to bright light.
  • Seizures: In severe cases, a person can experience seizures or convulsions.

When to Contact a Doctor/Dentist?

Do not delay your dental appointment when you experience severe and persistent toothache. This might be the onset of an infection, and getting it treated at an early stage can avert many complications. For some reason, if your tooth infection doesn’t get timely treatment and you experience the aforementioned signs (body and brain), then immediately seek medical help. The doctor will perform treatments like Apicoectomy and Drainage to flush out the infection. If you are worried about a potential tooth infection and its spread, then schedule your appointment with SRM Dental Clinic one of the best and most renowned dental clinic in Madurai.